Monday, October 19, 2015

Getting to Know the Responsibilities of a Civil Engineer in a Construction Job (part 1 of 2)

For those who don't know much about what the civil engineer does in a construction job, this article is just right for you. You see, the construction site houses different individuals from the engineer, the architect, the foreman, up to the workers. They all have their own roles to fulfill so each of them must be aware of the things that they need to learn and the tasks to be executed. Are you wondering much about how things go in this line of job? Well, all that it takes is for you to read on below and find out the answers to your questions.

Civil Engineering at a Closer Look

Civil engineering is the field that deals with the different tasks that relate to construction and maintenance including those of building and keeping the bridges, roads, airports, buildings, sewage systems, water works, dams, and the ports. The civil engineer is required to be equipped with a very comprehensive knowledge in this area along with the administrative and supervisory skills. His main job entails planning, constructing, and also maintaining the facilities in the area. The phases of planning as well as designing demand that he conducts site investigation, a profound feasibility study, and some right on the spot decision making skills.

As an engineer who works at a construction site, he should have a quick mind because he is the highest ranking official who is authorized to come up with the decisions during the emergency situations. Other tasks that he must devote himself to involve that of ensuring that all operations abide by the local or state laws. Permissions need to be sought and the completion of the construction schedules must be done according to the time table.

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